Job Openings
  • Communications Director
    Part-Time Position Description
    Westminster Presbyterian Church of Corsicana
    The Communications Director is responsible for the support and enhancement of Westminster and its worship services through the use of the Church’s social media platforms and audio/visual resources.
     The responsibilities for the position are:
    • To run the sight and sound equipment for weekly church services and other services where required
    • To recruit volunteers to assist on Sunday Mornings and for special occasions.
    • Provide graphics for slides and occasionally show videos or art clips as requested by Pastor.
    • To ensure that equipment is operational in advance of each Worship Service
    • To ensure that recordings of Services are posted to YouTube and Church Website.
    • Each service must have a “services performed” worksheet completed and approved by Pastor, showing date of service and person operating equipment to document compensation and invoicing of services, as applicable
    • To ensure that AV services are available for facility rental services as needed (i.e. Weddings, Funerals)
    • To Maintain the Church’s Facebook and Instagram accounts
    • To Update and maintain the Church’s Website
    • To keep Westminster Presbyterian visible through our Social Media Platforms and Electronic sign
    Position is part-time (no benefits) and includes weekly Sunday morning services (but may include additional weekly services as determined by Session and Worship). Also includes designated special worship services including, but not limited to: Holy Week and Christmas. Services provided as part of facility rental will be compensated in addition to regular compensation, as applicable. Remote work is possible in regards to social media and website updates and maintenance. Staff meetings once a month will be required.
    Communications Director reports to the Pastor and is under the direction of Worship Team. Prior experience with sight and sound preferred.
    Please send resumes to: